Thursday, March 24, 2016

Dual Motors for the Launcher

This week in STEM I'm continuing on working on my small 15 x 15 x 15 robot and making changes on it so that it can score more points. My small robot is going to be competing against Lily's much larger robot in test that will involve, speed, weight, cost, and ability to score by shooting balls into goals while being  controlled manually. I might have an upper hand in weight and possibly speed but outscoring a bigger robot might be a challenge since she will be able to score on the high goals of the field easier. To try and be able to score more high goals with ease I've added another motor to increase the speed of the rotation of the launcher wheels. Hopefully this can increase my chances of winning in the scoring round of the competition. Good luck Lily but I'm going to win! Here's some pictures of the motors that spin the wheels and a video of how fast the wheels spin now. Also there's a picture of the field we compete in to score goals. 

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